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High Quality Programming.


We place an importance on providing a variety of clubs and programs that will enrich and spark an interest that can result in future opportunities and self confidence,

Here are some of our offerings.

Culinary Arts, Cosmetology, Fashion Club, Chess Club

Art & Crafts, Book Club, Sports Club, Robotics.


Homework and Tutoring.

We recognize that homework completion plays a critical role in academic success. Our goal is to help young people develop academic, behavioral, and social skills that will enhance their educational experiences and empower them to graduate from high school.  


Food Program


​"an empty belly hears nobody"

Is a quote we have built into our culture here at the BGC, we take great pride in not only providing healthy meals but also creating healthy habits. Brooklyn and Geovany oversee the  food program and it's not something we take lightly,


Young people need viable solutions that enhance their life skills, build their resiliency, improve their health, and stregthen their leadership skills. SMART Moves provides youth with the knowledge, skills, self-esteem, and peer support to make healthy choices, practice healthy behaviors, and avoid risky behaviors and situations including involvement with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. 

                       L. D. E. S. 

Love, Discipline, Expectation and Standards. 

These principals are important to us and the basis for how we approach dealing with the youth. If you lead with Love it allows for the message to be delivered with the least amount of resistance, love is the basis for a conducive and trust filled relationship.  Discipline is best understood and accepted after there is an understanding of love, Discipline is used not aggressively or with disregard, instead we observe and identify what it would take to get them to be the best person they can be, emotionally, mentally and physically. Expectations are ingrained and in turn become the blueprint that they should hold themselves to in order to meet the Standards that they have placed on themselves in order to overcome obstacles and achieve the highest quality of life. 


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